Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Calling All Super Readers

"Calling all super readers!"

If you got the above reference, then you have a preschool aged child and you watch to much PBS! But seriously, last night I decided to do a "Moving Spread" from Sasha Graham's awesome book 365 Tarot Spreads, nothing out of the ordinary there. But the problem was, I decided for the first time in my tarot career to use reversals. No clue why. I've never done it before, but felt like giving it a try. Of course, I end up with seven reversals in the ten card spread! But I used my Chrysalis Tarot, so I had fun trying!

Here goes...

1. Is changing my location a good idea? Eight of Mirrors Reversed
2. Why is moving a good idea? 8 of Scrolls Reversed
3. Should I make this move? The Muse/ Queen of Spirals
4. Can I afford to move? The Lovers Reversed
5. Will I be happy there? Elpi/ The Star
6. Will this be the fresh start I am looking for? Ace of Spirals Reversed
7. How can I make the move without stress? Herne the Hunter/ The Chariot
8. What problems will I leave behind? 10 of Stones Reversed
9. What new adventure will I embark upon? Nine of Spirals Reversed
10. What do I need to know that I don't see yet? Gaia/ The Empress Reversed

Ok, so I know that the Eight of Mirrors has to do with walking away from a situation with lessons learned, so that I can ultimately move forward, grow, and be happy. However, because this card is reversed, I think it is showing our fear and confusion about possibly moving. Even though there is a lot of benefits to moving to the beach, there are also a few possible negatives and quite a few fears about being able to sell our house in three years after paying off all other debts. We currently owe more than our home is worth and mu husband fears selling at a loss down the road. So I feel like this card in this position is like the magic 8 ball saying "try again" or "unclear."

The 8 of scrolls shows a woman over a crystal ball with her eyes in the air. It gives me the sense that she is trying to know the unknowable - the future (although I guess psychics know the future, but I'm just a regular gal relying on wisdom and intuition). To me, the 8 of swords (which is what the scrolls relate to) have to do with feeling stuck or trapped, so in this case I feel like this woman in stuck in her own thoughts (since she is looking up at the scrolls). Because this card is reversed in the position, I actually feel this is a positive card. It suggests that moving would be good because over the years I have learned through experience and intuition what I really want in a community. My current town doesn't really have that. Don't get me wrong, it has a library (but I guess every town has that), a decent school, and it is centrally located), but in six years I have only met one neighbor (until I found out my yoga instructors lives down the street). We haven't met any other small families, so despite the central location to our jobs, I feel isolated, lonely, and pretty bored. In fact, it's not that centrally located to any activities that make my soul sing. I need to take a train to Boston, drive 30 minutes to another place I like, or drive 45 minutes to the beach location I love. So long story short, this move would release me from what I am not loving about my current location and would put me in a community with young families and a beach!

With the Muse/Queen of Spirals card upright, this one is pretty obvious. It screams yes. Why? Because the beach IS my muse. I have my best ideas there and not just my writing ideas either. Sometimes when we sit on the beach, my husband and I come up with great ideas for the future with greater clarity. I swear the ocean works just as well as a piece of clear quartz, except it much more soothing and relaxing to me. So I envision myself writing, journaling and creating art on the beach. But more importantly, I feel this card also benefits myself. I think this place will inspire us all creatively and bring us closer together. My sons already adore the beach and we always have a great time there.

With the Lovers reversed, I feel this card is suggesting that at this time, no we can't afford to move for the reasons previously statement. However, I also feel that this card is warning us about needing to make a commitment. If we really want to move, we both have to be committed to making changes and sticking to our revised (strict) budget. So I see this as a reminder that if we want to afford this house, we both have to work together and commit to the long haul....but I guess that's what marriage is anyway :)

Will I be happy there? Again, an obvious yes. The image of Elpi holding the star in the sky says it all to me. This is the card of hope and healing. I really do believe this particular location would do wonders for my soul. I think it will bring out more of my creativity, give me more of the community vibe I am seeking, and did I mention that my friend does new moon drumming circles on the beach every month? How many have I been to because I live where I live? None. How many would I go to if I moved? All of them. I am literally smiling just visualizing this.

So the Ace of Spirals in the reversed position here is giving me a bit of trouble. If it were upright, I would say yes because this Ace represents new ideas, new passion, new life, as well as transformation. But it's reversed so I am thinking no it's going to give me a fresh start, but I don't feel this is because it's the wrong location. Let me try to explain this. There was a sign I used to love at Splash Mountain in Disney that said, "Can't run away from trouble, ain't no place that far." And what the means to me, like this card in this position, is that changing locations won't change anything, if I don't change myself. Here's what I mean: regardless of location I have a lot of trouble following through with projects that I start. Creative ones. When it comes to work and money, I am a pentacles girl all the way - super responsible and always finishing what I start - and it comes so easy! But creatively, um....I get hooked on a new cool idea and then it quickly fizzles out. So right now my craft closet is filled with scrapbooking supplies and I don't I've ever finished one scrapbook. I have a ton of yarn left over from the one time I taught myself to crochet a blanket. I have a ton of mixed media art supplies from the time I signed up for a year long art class and only did two months of the classes (but don't worry, I downloaded all the lessons so I can access them for the rest of my life and do them whenever I feel like, so I didn't waste money). I am also in the middle of my paranormal romance novella and haven't written anything in a week. Oh, and I wrote a novel in 2011 and never edited or revised it. Sooooo, changing location will not change my lack of ability to see through creative projects (which by the way I am itching to make a dream catcher next) so I need to really dig deep and see where my resistance lies or figure out why I need to try and dabble in everything and then go from there. But this applies to anything and everything - the Ace of Spirals reversed warns that whatever is a problem for us here internally, will be a problem for us when we leave.

Herne the Hunter is an awesome card to have in this position. See that sword in his hand? He looks ready to cut away any BS. So if we want to move stress free, we need to just get it down and not procrastinate. We need to be clear on our expectations, we need to clear out the clutter of our current house and not take any of it with us to the new house, and we need to be brave and direct when making decisions.

So despite saying earlier that you can't run away from trouble, in certain instances you can. I don't want to get too personal here, because this card reversed is more than just about us leaving behind a house that no longer fits all of our junk. In fact, moving would give us a mega reason to downsize all of our material possessions. But I actually feel this has more to do with the way we interact as a family - the financial decisions we make (or don't make), our current routine, the way we relate to one another... I feel this move would give us a chance to see more clearly (and all that quartz in the card certainly helps) what our true values are. We already know our values and what we want for our family, but we aren't really living them. By choosing this location and forcing ourselves to live on less, I actually see this as a blessing, as a way to bring us closer together when a lot of our gadgets and routines keep us further a part.

The Nine of Spirals reversed is also giving me trouble. I see this card as representing a spiritual journey and I do feel a move to this community would be a nice step on my path, but because it's reversed I'm not really sure. When I looked up Nine of Spirals on the Chrysalis Tarot website, I got goosebumps because the post was talking about medicine wheels, birds, air, and Spirit. Today is the day I will be completing my Reiki 1 certification. I chose this teacher because she is a shaman and she is teaching me Reiki with a shamanic component and I LOVE it! She is the one who does the new moon drumming circles, etc. I feel like I have so much to learn from her and would love for her to be a mentor on my path. So maybe this card reversed means that if I move here, I will no longer be seeking outward, but instead will be seeking inward and in my own community? Not sure. I'll have to come back to this one.

And finally, the most challenging part of this spread: Gaia reversed in the position of what I need to know, but don't yet see. Intuitively, I get a sense that this is about really reflecting on what this move will mean for my children. My husband and I are obviously excited about this move and the baby is too young to care, but our three year old has some difficulties, so we need to really make sure moving would be in his best interest. But in my heart, I feel he would really love it there. I feel this card is about something deeper though, but I'm not sure what. Is it that we need to consider what life is like in a beach community that is really far from everyone else we love? Is it that we really need to think through the logistics of what it will mean to move away from my parents who help to watch our kids after school? Could be all of the above.

So please feel free to let me know if you think there's something I missed.

Do you read reversals? If so, how do you read them? Feel free to share!

All my best,
