Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Spread #5 - The Emperor

This week's spread turned out to be very personal. But I think it's important to share it with all of you. This is the following spread I created and the cards that were selected:

What is my area of weakness when it comes to classroom management? The Emperor
What is my area of strength when it comes to classroom management? The Wheel of Fortune
How can I improve my classroom management skills? The Knight of Cups

I was somewhat embarrassed that I pulled the Emperor card when it comes to my area of weakness in terms of classroom management at this time. But it's important to acknowledge this truth. I know that I used to be way too strict in the past, but this card is suggesting that maybe the pendulum has gone to far in the other direction. I know a large part of this is because I jumped right in the middle of the term in the middle of the year and I had some issues dealing with that. But ultimately, this card is suggesting that I need to step up more and regain my authority in the classroom. I'm not suggesting it is out of control or chaotic in my classroom, but I think I have been tapping into the energy of the Empress a bit too much, and I need to find a healthy balance between being too nurturing and too stern. I'm thinking of specific kids at this time who have been pushing the envelope a bit too much and instead of really putting my foot down and standing my ground, I have been a little lax with them and had tried to approach the situation from a more sweet and motherly perspective, which obviously isn't working. I pulled these cards in the morning, and I remembered it when they were goofing off while I was trying to talk again. So this time I just kept cool, but moved all three to different tables in the room and they kept quiet for the duration of my presentation. So I acknowledge that I haven't been strict enough in some cases, but now that I am more aware of it, I can do something about it!

But I do have some strengths when it comes to classroom management. I am able to take the good with the bad and I realize that when it comes to kids, expect the unexpected. So having learned that everything happens in cycles and that sometimes things are out of my control really helps me keep perspective and keep a cool and level head. The Wheel of Fortune is also not a card of passivity. So when unexpected challenges do arise, I address them and face them head on. I don't continuously let problems build and build and hope they go away.  So this card is pointing out that I am able to roll with the punches while still facing obstacles and working to overcome them.

The Knight of Card was an interesting card pop up in the "how can I improve" category. A lot of people view this card in a romantic way. However, in this particular instance it is about getting in touch with my emotions and intuition. I need to explore more in depth the feelings that arise with classroom management. How do I feel when I have to reprimand someone? How can I find a different way to make my point come across? I honestly hate having to put kids on the spot and reprimand them in front of the class. This card also represents creativity and needing to get it out of my head and heart and put it into action. So as a whole, I think this card is suggesting I evaluate the way I feel about classroom management, get in touch with my intuition and envision how I would like things to go in my classroom, and to come up with creative ways to handle situations that arise in my classroom. So I will definitely be thinking about adjustments I want to make as we end this term and prepare for the next term.

If you aren't too shy to share, I would love to hear what came up for you when you tried this spread. I also would love to know any tips you can offer, if you have any great practices for classroom management.

All my best,


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