Friday, August 1, 2014

Star Trek Tarot Spread

Tonight I felt inspired to try something new. I have been studying tarot for years, but I have never crafted my own original spread. So I am going to give it a shot. I felt inspired to create a spread based on my love of Star Trek: The Original Series. I have always been fascinated by the archetypes represented by the characters Kirk, Spock, and Bones. I came across an excellent blog post when I was researching images for my spread. Check it out here:

The Star Trek Archetype Tarot Spread

1. In what area of my life should I be more logical and objective?
2. How can I bring more logic to the situation?
3. In what area of my life should I express more passion?
4.How can I best express my passion and emotion?
5. What area of my life needs more balance?
6. How can I bring more balance to that part of my life?
7. How can I be the more charismatic leader of my own star ship (life)?

 I doesn't really matter how you actually spread the cards out. You could put cards 1 and 2 vertically next to 3 and 4 and then 5, 6 and 7. I might actually shape the spread to look like the emblem on their shirts :) !

Try it out and let me know how it works!

All my best,


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