Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Rose by Any Other Name...

How many of you readers out there use a special name that you go by? And if so, how did you come about that name?

I am writing my paranormal romance under a pen name, and I started thinking about creating a special tarot reader name for myself when I came across these amazing journals by Seven Stars.

So I decided to use my Chrysalis Tarot deck to help me come up with a name.

When I looked at these cards, I understood that they were revealing my inner qualities as a tarot reader and as a person.
The Three of Spirals represents my contemplative nature. I often meditate before making any large decisions. In fact, I often use the cards for guidance whenever making big decisions. It also states in the guidebook that "the Three of Spirals is about maintaining an open mind and entertaining the helpful counsel of others" (35). This also describes my approach to life. I try my best to view all things with an open mind and often seek out the wisdom of people I trust. I also try to teach others to be more open minded as well as to offer my counsel when it's asked for.
I was thrilled to see Morgan Le Fay show up in this reading. She represents the High Priestess - magic and mysticism. I am a seeker who is into all things occult. I am a believer that there is more to this world than we can see with the visible eye. I look for signs of synchronicity daily and I am always looking to boost my intuition and psychic abilities. I find that the cards offer their own signs of synchronicity which is another reason I am so fond of them. The ravens represent my curiosity and my desire to weave magic into the mundane.
Last but not least, the Six of Stones, a card that comes up for me again and again in my personal readings. This card actually holds the most meaning for me. I am drawn to the beauty and wisdom of trees. The Celtic knots, weaving from deep roots all the way up the trunk and out into the branches, are just so enchanting and mystical to me. The Tree of Life has always been a meaningful symbol in my life. It represents growth and development as well as, in my opinion, having connections to the Wheel of the Fortune - in it's ability to stand strong in the earth, while still changing with the seasons. The guidebook states that this card is about "giving and receiving" as well as "caritas -charity of love for others and charity of love for self" (24). This is exactly why I love to give readings to others - I want to offer guidance in a loving and kind way that helps to empower the person I am reading for and to teach them that they have everything they need inside of them to get through whatever situation they are facing.

So now for the tough part: creating a name from this information. Do I go literal by focusing on the images in the cards - the trees, the raven, the gem stones? Or do I go figurative and try to find a way to create a name out of words that mean contemplation, mysticism, charity?

I'm open to any suggestions. Thank you.

All my best,


Weekly tarot reading for the week of June 23, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014

A New Direction

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing well. I did some deep reflection last week, especially at the start of the New Moon. I asked my angels and guides to heighten my intuition and creativity. The next day, I felt lethargic and heavy as I received messages explaining why I have been having trouble tapping into my creative well and not reaching the level of intuition that I would like. This was profound, but also troubling because I was given information that explained my current circumstances, but received no answers as to how to proceed forward. But the following day, the Universe followed up with the answers I needed and now I am very clear on what path I need to forge for myself.

Without going into too much depth, I wanted to share with you that this blog will not be going on hiatus. In fact, we are just getting started. Instead, my novel writing plans are going on hiatus, possibly permanently, but who knows. Never say never :)

I love reading and writing; but ultimately, helping people via tarot and oracle cards is my biggest passion. I love using the cards, discussing the cards, reading about the cards, watching and making videos about the cards. You get the picture. So I am going to move in the direction of my true passion!

Spirit has guided me to start a new video series called Living Consciously with the Tarot. Rather than choosing a card at random and discussing it, I will consciously choose a card that explains a situation or solves a problem. As an educator, I believe that modeling is a very valuable teaching tool, so that is the technique I will be using in this series. I will be modeling how to use tarot consciously by applying it to my own life and situations. I hope that viewers will watch what I do and apply it to their own lives. I am really interested in seeing the benefits of using the tarot to live more consciously!

I will be working on the first video this week. This video will explain the concept of consciously living with the Tarot in more depth. I'll keep which card I will be discussing as a secret for now, but I don't think it will be much of a surprise when you see it.

In terms of my personal path, I will be taking workshops and participating in more events that will provide me with even more opportunities to grow with the tarot in terms of reading professionally for clients. I am very excited for this new direction and I hope you will all come along with me! Thank you for being such loyal readers. I really appreciate it!

All my best,
