Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Hanged Man Spread for Teachers

I've designed this simple spread to help figure out what issues might need to be viewed from a different perspective.

What issue do I need to look at from a different angle: Master
What is a new and fresh perspective from which I can look at this issue: Third Eye Chakra

The Master card correlates with the Devil card in traditional Tarot. This card has multiple meanings. It could be about mastering your emotions if you are experiencing negative thinking or limiting beliefs and it can also be about mastering yourself and getting control over your addictions or obsessive thoughts. It can also be about mastering your fears. The bottom line is that it is about overcoming the obstacles within that keep a person from reaching their dreams and goals and from living the life they truly want to be living.

For me, this card is about dealing with my own feelings of oppression. The heart in the cage represents my feeling of imprisonment. Lately I have been given outside opportunities that make my heart sing - a chance to work with an author and edit her drafts and provide her with feedback, a chance to create and teach my own tarot workshop, and even my own desire to work on my own creative endeavors. But these opportunities create some fear based feelings in me because although they are not taking away my focus from my full time job, they are making me question a lot about my teaching career. Lately I feel that I am being burdened with tasks at work that I don't really enjoy and tasks that I am getting little help with from other colleagues. A lot of these outside teaching related tasks just make me feel overwhelmed, stressed, and uninterested. I am really trying to "master" my own life and figure out what I really want to be doing. How can I be happier and less stressed at work? Do I really want teaching to be my lifelong career or do I want to eventually move on and try something new? There are a lot of questions floating through my mind that are making me feel quite captive at the moment.

I'm not surprised that the answer is the Third Eye Chakra card. This card is all about connecting with one's intuition and meditating. When you take time out to do this, you are able to get greater clarity on a situation. I know this is what I should be doing to get answers, but I rarely ever make time to do this. I think it's about high time that I do.

I would love to know what areas of your teaching need to be looked at from a new point of view. As always, feel free to share if you feel called to.

All my best,

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