Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Wheel of Fortune Spread

Before I begin this spread, I would just like to make you all aware that this blog is becoming increasingly difficult for me. It's not because things are going on in my life that are making it hard for me to write, it is actually the progression of the cards themselves! This is actually an exciting discovery for me. As I continue through the Major Arcana, their messages and lessons become increasingly more complex for me and I really appreciate this about the cards.

So in this spread we are looking at areas of our teaching where we should loosen the reigns a bit and give up some control as well as areas that we need to exert more control over. Here is how it played out for me:

The area of teaching I need to relinquish some control over: The King of Cups
The area of teaching I need to exert more control over: The Page of Swords

So my instant gut reaction is that these cards are not focusing on specific aspects of teaching like lesson planning, grading, relationship building, collaborating with colleagues, etc. They are actually focusing on personality aspects that I need to work on.

Since the King of Cups is in the position for what I need to relinquish control over, it is speaking about how I need to stop taking everything so personally. I take this profession VERY seriously, so I take it to heart when I get negative feedback or reactions from parents and students. As a result, I can become very moody and sullen and often have to fight feelings of wanting to quit when times get super tough. The King of Cups is reminding me that is important to relax and not take things personally. You can't please everyone. So if I know I am doing the best I can then I don't have to allow negative attitudes from others to bring me down.

The Page of Wands is in the position of what I need to exert more control over. This card is all about enthusiasm and energy. These are two things that I am greatly lacking in at the moment. I feel very stressed professionally and personally, which causes me to feel fatigued and totally drained. I need to re-energize and find a way to bring enthusiasm and excitement back into my classroom. This is important since we are in a major third term slump at the moment. Since MCAS is next week, I can use that time to start planning ways that we can start fresh and get back on a brighter path.

I'm sorry to keep this post so short, but this is a very busy week. Progress reports are due tonight, MCAS is next week, my son has the flu, and his birthday party is this weekend! But as always, I welcome your comments and feedback.

How are things going in your classroom? Are you riding high or are you in a slump? Feel free to let me know!

All my best,


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