Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Hermit Spread for Teachers

The Hermit is inviting us to take some time out for introspection and to think about the lessons we have learned from our own experiences as well as to think about the lessons we still need to learn. You could easily adapt this spread to look at multiple areas in your professional life and the lessons you have learned. You could also use this to look at the lessons you've learned in your personal life. But for the sake of time, I am just choosing two cards to get a very big picture idea of the key lessons I have learned and still need to learn. But since I love exploring with the Tarot, I may find time to do a more detailed spread and take a closer look at different aspects of my teaching.

What lesson have I learned: The Nine of Swords
What lesson do I still need to learn: The Wheel of Fortune

Getting the 9 of Swords for the lesson I have learned card makes me laugh a little. Anxiety is something I have struggled with throughout my entire life. Despite doing my best to overcome my anxiety, I still don't feel that I have mastered it 100%. However, I have slowly learned ways to not allow myself to become burdened by anxious thoughts as well as to look at situations objectively to figure out what situations are real problems (which means they have a solution) vs. situations that may just feel stressful but may not turn out as badly as I worry they may (and there is nothing I can do about them anyway).
So in terms of my teaching, I have learned what's worth getting myself worked up over vs. what's best left to stop mulling over. I also used to get plagued by negative thinking and angry thoughts. For example, I have been getting weekly "hate mail" from parents complaining about their kids' grades. This used to make me so angry and bitter that it would ruin my afternoons and my weekends. Instead, I gracefully respond to their emails (and reveal when their little cherubs are lying to them) and then I let it go. Sometimes this isn't easy and I have to force myself to let it go. The bottom line is that when you are working with the general public, not everyone is going to like you. But that's ok. As long as you can look at your own reflection in the mirror and know that you are doing the best you can for the students, that's all that really matters.

The lesson I still need to learn is unsurprising to me. This card comes up in this position for me time and time again. Although I have learned how to handle my anxiety and negative thinking, I have not yet figured out how to go with the flow. The Wheel of Fortune is all about understanding that things happen in cycles and that there is a general ebb and flow to life. When things are going well, it's amazing! But when things aren't going well, I rage and rage against the tides. I have trouble accepting things and letting things move at their own pace.

I have trouble letting the universe do it's thing. I constantly feel that I need to be "doing something" to make things turn out according to my vision. The problem is, we are co-creators with the universe. Sometimes the universe has something better in mind than even what I have envisioned. But I have a problem letting go of control and wanting to force everything to go my way. So I still need to learn when to loosen up the reigns and let the universe help me.

This is especially true when it comes to teaching. I easily burn myself out by constantly pushing and battling against things I have little control over. But I have to learn to loosen up and lighten up. That doesn't mean I should put up with bad behavior, but it does mean that I need to learn what I have control over (myself and my reactions) vs. what I don't have control over (others and their reactions).

I would love to know what lessons you have learned when it comes to teaching or what lessons you are still in the process of learning. Feel free to share in the comments below.

All my best,


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