Monday, March 31, 2014

Death Card - What Needs to Die?

A lot of people who are unfamiliar with Tarot initially feel a sense of fear and dread when the Death card appears in their reading. However, I am going to discuss with you the reasons why you should not only have no fear of this card, but why you should also welcome this card. The death card is not only inevitable when it comes to teaching, but it is also essential. Without death, nothing would ever change. The teacher you were your first year of teaching is the exact same teacher you would be ten years into the future. Now that's a scary thought!

The Death card has to do with endings and transitions. We see this in simple ways like ending a unit and transitioning into a new unit or one term ending and a new term beginning. Even the start of summer vacation at the end of the school year is a death. You have completed a full school year and now it over and it is time for fun and planning for a new school year. That doesn't sound so bad, does it?

But on a deeper level, we need to take inventory of what needs to die in order for us to progress on our journey as teachers. Things that are not working for us need to end in order for things to improve. So the Death card can be a reminder to look at what is not working in your teaching. Are you having problems with time management, classroom management, organization, creativity? If so, the card is inviting you to look at what bad habits need to be killed off so that you can transform into a more productive and happier teacher!

Don't be overwhelmed if you feel like you are struggling with a variety of those suggested issues. I have been teaching for 9 years and I still have problems with all of those issues from time to time! What I am suggesting is that you be open to the energy of the Death card. Allow yourself to figure out what isn't working and what needs to die. Allow it to reach its necessary conclusion so that you can begin anew and renewed! You know that exhilaration you feel on the last day of school? Well, you can feel that way periodically throughout the year if you allow room for necessary change and growth! It also helps to look past the scary imagery of the card and and focus on the sun rising in the distance. This reminds us that even though death can seem scary or bad at first, if we accept it gracefully and with open hearts, it can transform things into something beautiful and positive.

So this week's spread will help us look at what needs to die in our teaching so that we can more forward in a more positive direction!

All my best,


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