Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Whimsical Wednesday: 8 of Rods


  1. Interesting... This is exactly why I collect tarot decks. There are some cards that just pop with their meaning and others I sometimes really need to work hard in drawing the meaning/message out.
    Ps I'm not a teacher I just enjoy your readings
    ... :) ...

  2. Thanks for the comment! Do you collect oracle decks too? I love them all, so I tend to to use both in the same reading in my daily life! I pick a tarot card for what lesson I need to learn that day and an oracle to represent what will help me learn that lesson. I'm really enjoying the insights I get from doing my daily draws that way! I'd love to know how you use Tarot!

    1. I'm still in the process of learning the tarot...but I have been collecting for years...I buy my own and often times I find them in op shops which is a magic find for me...I use oracle cards for daily draws and tarot for helping me with big's a great idea to use both at the same time...mind if I borrow that idea to use as a post on my blog? I try to be intuitive...sometimes I might be a tad off but over all not too bad.
      ... :)...

  3. Sure! What's your blog? I'd love to check it out! Also, I found it easier to learn tarot when I stopped studying the books so much and started watching videos by thefourqueens on youtube as well as listening to podcasts. I think it's because I'm an auditory learner and I learn better when someone talks about a concept or explains something to me. Plus the old adage is true, "practice makes perfect."

    1. My blog is chasing fireflies
      It's a blog of allsorts and as I'm still learning I'd love some input

      ... :) ...
