Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Tower Spread for Teachers

What is contributing to my feeling burned out? 5 of Pentacles (Feeling Alone)
What is one thing I can do to help myself? The Emperor (Lead)

This was a very cool reading. As I was shuffling the cards, I was repeating the questions again and again in my mind. Each time I asked a question, the card for that question literally flew out of the deck. I love when that happens. It's like the cards are screaming, "Pick me! Pick me!"

As soon as I looked at the cards, I just nodded my head in agreement. They absolutely make so much sense for me.

When I look at the image on this card. The woman walking in darkness with nothing more than the moon and a small lantern to light her way is what stands out to me the most. This is exactly how I feel about teaching. I feel completely alone and that even after nine years, I still don't have a clue about what I am doing. The mountains, the dark forest, and the marshland make me think of all of the obstacles I face every day at work. I see the small cottage as a place of solace and peace, but don't know how to get there. As many of you know, teaching can be a very isolating experience. I meet with my team twice a week, but we all teach different subjects. I am lucky if I meet with my department once a month. I feel completely alone, searching for answers for how to reach my students. I feel very isolated from my students because I can't seem to break their walls or break their cycles of apathy and anger. When I feel isolated, I feel like a victim. When I feel like a victim left out in the cold, I feel burned out.

But the Emperor card is trying to encourage me. He is trying to empower me. When I feel like giving up, this is exactly the time to reclaim my kingdom - well, my classroom. I have to step up and take control of my situation. Students need a strong leader - someone they can trust and believe in. If I don't believe in myself, then why should they? I imagine the scroll in his hand as a blueprint for success, a map that he refers to when it's time to come up with a strategy for war. This doesn't mean I should view my students as my enemies, but sometimes it certainly feels that way. Therefore, I need to reclaim my power in the classroom and assert my will. Not through force, but by reinforcing my rules and procedures. I do plan on using the new social responsibility whole-school rubric when I return as  way to hold students more accountable for their behavior in class. I also need to find a way to inspire them and make them want to comply. I have to reconnect with the energy of the Emperor so that I can feel empowered rather than imprisoned.

If you feel called, please feel free to share what makes you feel burned out and how you handle those times. I hope you are enjoying April break!

All my best,



  1. When I was working in child care we had a very supportive team and every child knew each staff member as we were in and out of each section on a daily basis. When a staff member was at the burn out stage and it's pretty obvious in such a close environment, we'd swap roles when possible i.e. swap from the nursery to the kindy or toddlers or visa versa. or change the roster so they'd be on a less difficult shift.. But I can appreciate how different the teaching environment is.

    ... :) ...

    1. Ps I hope it was okay for me to use your face book and you tube logos they are really cool


  2. That's totally fine. I found them for free somewhere out in cyberspace anyway lol. I'm also being given the opportunity to teach either juniors or seniors the year after next school year, so my plan is to survive and salvage this year, shake things up next year, and then try something altogether new the following year!
