Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What Tarot Can Teach You About Yourself

I know I normally only post about Tarot as it relates to teaching, but tonight I feel really compelled to write about my personal relationship with the cards.

Tonight I picked up my Housewives Tarot deck (which I haven't picked up in quite a few months) and randomly started shuffling. I didn't even have a question in mind. I just felt drawn to pick up that deck and it felt great in my hands. As I continued shuffling, five of the cards fell down on the floor. I picked them up and started really looking at them and I realized that they were all reflections of my Self.

I believe in synchronicity. So when cards fall out like that, I know they are meant for me to really contemplate. Usually only one or two cards fall out like that for me, so I knew this was an important message for five to have fallen.

I have been feeling really stuck lately. There have been a lot of things that haven't felt right lately and I have been questioning who I am and what I really want out of life. I have been feeling fragmented and pretty down on myself. But when I looked at those five cards, I felt they were the beautiful pieces that make up exactly who I am.

The High Priestess - I am spiritual, intuitive, and deeply in touch with my inner wisdom. It is this inner knowing that alerts me when I am out of alignment with my true nature. The beauty of feeling raw negative emotions is that it is my inner self reaching out to me and letting me know what isn't working so that I can find a new path and realign myself with what truly makes me happy.

The 9 of Wands - I am a highly ambitious, motivated woman. I am creative and not afraid of hard work to achieve my goals.

The 4 of Wands - But I am also a woman who likes to relax and enjoy the simple things. Sometimes I don't want to be running on all cylinders. Sometimes I want to just kick back, relax, and just be.

I had been feeling very conflicted lately because I desire to do so much - write a successful blog, edit my novel, write a new novel, so on and so forth. But I also desire to just hang out in bed and read or just spend the day playing with my children or just snuggle with my husband. But the 9 of Wands and the 4 of Wands tell me not to feel conflicted at all. They are both pieces of me. They balance each other out.

The Page of Wands - When I look at the image of the boy with his mischievous grin riding on his wooden toy horse, I see my inner child and my divine spark. I am imaginative and playful. These are the things that make me a fun mom and a true artist. This card reminds me that my soul is timeless, that I am full of creative ideas, and that I should always allow myself time to play.

The Page of Cups - As a Page, I may not be as mature as a Queen or a King, but that's OK! The image of the child watering his plants reminds me that even though I may not always have the best control over my emotions, I am still a very loving and nurturing person. I may not always feel like a good mom or a good teacher, but my desire to nurture my kids and my students is what gives me the strength to keep on going even when everything feels so difficult.

Pages also represent students and I have been and will always be a lifelong learner above all else.

I challenge you to pick up your deck today and either see what falls out or select a few cards. What do they reveal about you?

All my best,



  1. really enjoying your blog...I'm actually learning a lot

    ... :) ...

  2. Thank you! I appreciate it. I really enjoy your blog too. :)
