Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Temperance Spread for Teachers

What will help me create more life/work balance in my life: Love Abounds (Ace of Cups)

This card comes up a lot for me in personal draws and it makes sense given my circumstances at this time.  I am currently going through a stressful time both professionally and personally. The stress is taking a major toll on my body and I have an upcoming doctor's appointment to address these issues. The Ace of Cups reminds me that I need to get in touch with what I LOVE. I need to really look within my heart and and focus on what I really love - my family, spending time outdoors in nature, writing, creating art, yoga, meditation, kickboxing - and make sure that I am making as much time for those things as possible. The Ace of Cups is also a reminder to balance my heart chakra. I need to let love in. I need to practice forgiveness - of myself and of others. I need to let go of anger and resentment. Love is the ultimate thing I need to focus on in order to achieve a healthy work/life balance. Love is what I need to live a healthy life period.

What do you need to do to achieve a better work/life balance in your life?

All my best,


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