Friday, April 25, 2014

Expect Miracles this Weekend

Hi everyone,

I apologize for the lack of videos this week, but I've been using the week off to spend quality time with my family and to recharge my energetic batteries to head back to work bigger and better than ever! It's funny to me the way the cards have worked out by looking at one a week since the start of January. It makes sense that the Tower card would show up during April vacation when many of us are feeling spent and needing a vacation or just some time away. Then starting up this week we will be looking at the Star card - the card of healing and renewal. I've been noticing some Star energy already just by observing all of the flowers that are finally popping up in my state of Massachusetts! So I am definitely looking forward to more Star energy! I think we all could use some!

So I decided to focus this post on another weekend draw, this time from the Gateway Oracle Cards by Denise Linn. I recently posted a video draw using these cards. I have been working with this oracle deck all week because I am currently doing a monthly deck challenge that was inspired by OwlMoon513's youtube channel. She recently did a video series explaining her deck challenge for getting to know your cards better and just yesterday she posted a video of extra tips for using your cards during the deck challenge. So I recommend checking out her videos and trying out the monthly deck challenge if you have multiple decks in your collection. You can do this deck challenge with tarot or oracle cards.

The card for this weekend is Expecting Miracles. I am getting two messages from this card. The first message is that if you have been going through a challenging time, your prayers are about to be answered. The pair of hands on the card are open and in the receiving position, so things that you have asked for will be making their way to you. That being said, it is important to keep your heart open. Miracles do not always show up in big, grandiose ways. Sometimes they come in small, simple packages. So you need to be open to receiving miracles in whatever form they show themselves. The second message that is that this is a perfect time to grow something in your own life. Looking at the pair of hands again, I see a flower and leaves flowing from the hands. This is a perfect time to let your creativity flow through you in some way - like gardening, writing, making art, cooking, or whatever your favorite form of creation is. Every time you create something, you are giving birth to your own little miracle. You brought something to life whether in your garden, on the page, or wherever that wasn't there before!  This message is made even more clear by the image of the sphere in the center. This sphere reminds me of an egg. so this card is all about fertility, maybe not in the literal sense, although of course it could be! But regardless, you can expect miracles this weekend - miracles that you receive and miracles you help create. Have a beautiful weekend, everyone. I hope you all go back to work on Monday feeling rejuvenated and ready to finish out the remaining school year.

All my best,


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