Monday, April 28, 2014

The Star - Renewed Inspiration

Now that we have looked at what causes feelings of burn out and what we can do to ease those feelings, we are moving on to the next part of our journey. The Star card is all about healing, renewal, hope, inspiration, and transformation. This is a truly beautiful and spiritual card.

Although I hate to use cliches, this card always reminds me of the rainbow after the storm. We have been through so much on our journeys as educators. We have experienced joys and sorrows, hopes and fears. The Tower card left us feeling shaken and maybe worn out, but the Star card is here to help us learn and grow for the better. This card is a beautiful reminder that we don't suffer in vain. There are valuable lessons to be learned from our suffering. The message is to take those lessons and apply them to our lives, both in and out of the classroom.

As I prepare to head back to work tomorrow, I am feeling a sense of hope, excitement, creativity and inspiration. However, this is not the same as how I felt at the beginning of my journey as represented by the Fool card. The Fool was before I knew better. But now I have real experience under my belt. I now know what works and what doesn't. I can make better decisions based on what has happened. I know what I need to do to take care of myself to avoid burn out, while still working to my highest capacity for the interests of my students.

I have been experiencing some other Tower moments lately, especially my son's recent diagnosis of Muscular Dystrophy. Sometimes there are things that happen to us and our loved ones that make us want to break down and we feel as though we can never truly be happy again. This is why the Star card is so important. It's a gentle reminder that we need to acknowledge our feelings and hurts as represented by the element of water and we need to heal those feelings and hurts. We need to find little ways to be happy even when we are facing huge obstacles. This is why I try to spend as much time out in nature as possible with my family and why I schedule reiki/massage treatments for myself every two months. The human experience is not always kind and pleasant, so it is up to us to treat ourselves with love and kindness.

I know this had veered off the topic of teaching, but the same does apply. Teaching is a tough job. We all know this. We will face difficult challenges again and again. But it is important to remember that we are doing the best that we can, that we learn and grow from each experience, and that we do our best to be gentle with ourselves as we continue on our path.

Here are some suggestions for how to create more Star energy in your life:

Spruce up your classroom desk: Plants, crystals, pictures of loved ones, meaningful knick knacks are always great ways to lift your mood if you are feeling stressed.

Take a time out. Try meditating for ten minutes during your prep period.

Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating right, spending time with people you love, and making time for outside passions and hobbies.

Allow yourself to feel what you feel. Write it all down in a journal. Use your tarot/oracle cards for guidance and support.

Write down a list of your accomplishments. Sometimes we get so caught up worrying about where we are lacking, we don't spend enough time looking at all that we've done and celebrating those accomplishments.

I'm sure you've heard these tips again and again, but they are so important. I honestly can't repeat them enough. And I guess my biggest message with this card would be to do your best to nurture yourself, love yourself, and heal yourself. We all experience Tower moments, but we can't let our lives be ruled by them. We need to have more Star moments. We need to live each day trying to notice the beauty of our flawed, human existence.

All my best,


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