Friday, May 16, 2014

Some Random Thoughts

Hi everyone,

I just felt like doing a freely written kind of post today on some of my thoughts. I may tend to ramble, but I hope you'll stay with me.

So first of all, we are two cards away from being finished with the Major Arcana. So now I have been thinking about the direction I want to take this blog if I decide to keep it going at all. I have really enjoyed looking at the Major Arcana from the perspective of a teacher, but sometimes I wonder how helpful these posts really are for others. Also, I am just beginning a new journey with my process of manifestation. I plan on doing a post about this sometime next week. I have been reading about manifestation and the law of attraction for quite a while now and I have started keeping a manifestation/synchronicities journal. This is where my focus seems to be these days.

I do plan on going internet/social media free this summer. I really want to spend my summer outside in nature and with my sons as well as working on some other creative projects like my novel and my mixed media art. That said, I will be taking a hiatus from this blog in the sense that I will not be writing any new posts after the World card until September. However, I do plan on posting weekly videos from my youtube channel onto this blog. I really enjoy making the videos and they aren't terribly time consuming for me.

If I do decide to pick up writing blog posts again in September, I'm not sure if my direction will be totally on Tarot anymore. I may choose to discuss other spiritual topics like meditation, yoga, writing, manifestation - things that I feel will also offer teachers benefits in terms of relaxation and spirit feeding. Of course, I will always talk about Tarot from time to time since that is the title of the blog after all.

I also just wanted to mention a couple things that I experienced this week. Yesterday I was really sad thinking about my son and feeling like I haven't been receiving a lot of emotional support from my friends. I cried during my lunch break. I was going to have the two classes I saw after MCAS testing read Lord of the Flies and work on their dialectical journals, but instead - I said, "Ef it." But not literally and not aloud. I simply scrapped those plans, pushed desks to the corners of the room, and had everyone sit in a circle on the floor. We used this free time to play games from my childhood: trapper, pattern changer, musical chairs, and 7 Up. It was awesome. It was great to see smiling faces and to see the kids actually interacting with one another and being social. So often they lose those opportunities because they are glued to their electronic devices. We definitely need a fun break after a few days of testing and I have no regrets.

The other thing I wanted to mention is that my homemade zen rock garden has been a huge success. And not just for myself. I have noticed students coming over to my desk to simply rake the sand and ask me about it. But more importantly, I had to have an intense conversation with a student because his dad is concerned about him. This is not a child who easily opens up. Yet he was able to tell me so much as he raked the sand of my zen garden. It really warmed my soul to see the relaxation power of the zen garden allow him to be able to have this conversation with me. I feel confident that this zen garden will have this effect on other students as well. So I just wanted to share that with all of you.

So I highly recommend getting a zen garden for your classroom or finding other relaxation tools that will allow students to be able to open up and share their feelings with you.

If you already have something like this in place, please feel free to share in the comments below. Thanks!

All my best,


1 comment:

  1. As always, an enjoyable post...A change in direction never hurt anyone and it seems to me your manifestation studies have led you to this, go for it...I look forward to whatever you wish to share here in blog land.
    Ps love your Zen garden

