Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The World - Let's Celebrate

We have finally reached the World card and this card is all about celebrations, completions, and accomplishments! This totally fits with the end of May as many of our seniors are graduating and will be moving on to college in the fall. But the World card also reflects the end of a school year for all students and teachers as well. We have completed a journey and can now celebrate  all that we have learned. This is different from the Judgment card because instead of assessing what we have done, we are simply celebrating it instead.

The beauty of the World card is that it represents integration. It is not simply celebrating the completion of a project or a school year or celebrating our accomplishments, but rather being in the moment and celebrating where we are in this very moment. The World is inviting us to celebrate, without judgment, that where we are right now in our lives is exactly where we are meant to be.

This has been a tough year for me so far. It was hard coming back to work from maternity leave in the middle of the year when my students were already established with a teacher they liked. It was hard balancing work, a new baby, a marriage, an exercise routine, and finding out about my son's illness. At the same time, this has been a beautiful year. This blog is the first creative project that I have ever started and actually saw through to completion. I have had the pleasure of working closely with an author and being a part of her latest project. I have met some wonderful people online who have supported me on my journey. My team and I were also able to raise $2,500 for the MDA and it was a great feeling to reach our goal.

The World card is a reminder to stop periodically and celebrate the ups and downs in life. You may just surprise yourself about how many more wonderful things there are to celebrate than your sorrows. You should celebrate your gifts and talents and your ability to overcome the obstacles that come your way. As a teacher, you should celebrate your hard work and dedication to your students and your craft because this isn't a job for someone weak of spirit! So please, celebrate yourself this week. You deserve it!

I just want to share with you some pictures that represent the energy of the world card to me. These pictures show exactly what it means to be in the moment no matter what internal or external problems a person is facing - there is still so much beauty to appreciate during this journey called life.

Thank you so much for sharing this journey with me. What I have learned the most from this journey with the Major Arcana is that there is no end destination. There is only the journey. Enjoy that journey - the joys and the sorrows, the beauty and the hideous - because they all bring valuable lessons for your soul's growth. I wish you the best as you continue on your life's journey as well as your journey as a teacher.

All my best,


P.S. We will be celebrating our accomplishments in our next spread.
P.S.S. I will be taking a break from the blog after this week, but I will be coming back in September with plenty of new content. I hope you have an amazing summer vacation and that you will come back and visit the site again in the fall. I will still be posting videos on my youtube channel.

Thanks again! <3

1 comment:

  1. all the very best for the summer and enjoy your delightful family

