Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Moon Spread for Teachers

What area of my teaching needs light shed upon it: 10 of Wands
How should I handle this situation: The Hermit

10 of Wands: This card is not really a shocker to me. This card is all about feeling totally burdened by responsibilities. I am fully aware that there is a lot going on in my life right now both professionally and personally. I think what needs to be illuminated is how I can delegate those responsibilities. Or I just need to figure out what I need to let go of.

The Hermit: I really need to take a step back from the outside world for a while. I am in a period of major transition. It's funny because last week I decided that this summer I will go internet/social media free. I think this card is acknowledging that that is a good path to take. I need some time away to really evaluate my path. I know I will stick with teaching, but I need to evaluate the company I have been keeping, the way I want to live, and how I want to raise my family. My recent experiences have really opened my eyes about the world around me and I'm not really thrilled with what I have been seeing. But deep inside of me, I know the change needs to begin within. I want to live with more peace, joy, and love in my heart. I need to figure out what that looks like for me and begin to really manifest. This may very well mean severing my ties with certain people and certain lifestyle choices. We are currently in the process of going green. I have been making a list of ways to incorporate a more green lifestyle in our household and have been taking steps to move in that direction. I am moving away from the mainstream and I actually feel happier and freer about those choices. So the Hermit is validating for me that I need to go this part of my journey alone to really discover my true purpose and my true desires.

I apologize that this post has little to do with teaching. To be honest, my focus on my career has really taken a major back seat to what has been going on with my family. I am still working at capacity and have a pretty good unit going on with the novel we are reading, but I am not thinking about work at all once I go home for the day. I think that's the way it needs to be right now.

All my best,


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