Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Strength Spread for Teachers

I think this is a particularly helpful spread when you are feeling weak. Maybe things haven't been going well - some students aren't doing their work or are failing assessments or there are just too many people socializing in your class. Maybe you are bombarded with paper work or struggling to revise a unit that isn't going as smoothly as you had thought it might. Maybe you are dealing with a difficult parent or just feeling disrespected and undervalued by administrators or colleagues. Whatever the case may be, you need to try to get off the pity pot and tap into your strength. You need to find the courage and insight to overcome whatever obstacles are in your way. You could use this spread for a multitude of situations - parenting, relationships, friendships, creative endeavors, etc. So let's take a look at what came up when I did this reading for myself.

What area in my teaching needs the strength of a lion? The World
What area in my teaching needs the strength of the maiden? The Seven of Wands
What is my key strength that I bring to the profession? The Ace of Swords

When it comes to the World card, I need to become more assertive and courageous when it comes to leadership opportunities. The World card traditional means integration, accomplishment, wholeness, and success. When I look at the lady dancing in the middle of the card it makes me think of a recital performance. This woman has worked very hard and has rehearsed her dance many times and now it is her moment to shine in the spotlight. Although the World card is a positive card, I really struggle with what it represents. This card is asking me to step up and put my knowledge on display. I was asked this week to lead a workshop next month on "Checking for Understanding - Formative Assessments." As much as I am flattered to be asked and offered this opportunity, I feel a ton of resistance to it.  I am extremely uncomfortable presenting to adults. I fear being judged or criticized. I worry they won't like how I present or what I present. But I also know that I have been working hard for the past nine years to improve my craft and now it's time to share what I've learned with others. The World card also represents sharing your gifts with others. So it's time for me to tap into the strength of a lion and face this with courage and pride. I accepted the opportunity and I will not let fear rule me.

When it comes to the Seven of Wands, I need to be more compassionate, patient, and nurturing when it comes to my relationship with my students. At this point, I feel like the figure with the rod fighting against a group of others coming at me full force. I feel defensive and would love to lash out. I am getting really pissed off because I feel disrespected. I know I shouldn't take it personally when they don't do their work or fail quizzes, but sometimes it's hard not to. So the maiden in the picture is reminding me that I need to get in touch with my quiet inner strength and find a creative and less attacking way to solve my problems. If I'm honest, things have not be fun in my classroom. I have been focused so much on trying to get them up to speed with their reading comprehension that all of the joy of learning has just flown out the window. It may be time to figure out some fun ways to connect with the book - something interactive, maybe something artistic, or maybe something that  involves movement. So I think when things get tense between me and the students it is time to tap into that understanding and compassionate strength of the maiden and remember that they are only kids and to try to see things from their point of view - a key theme in To Kill a Mockingbird, I might add.

One of my special strengths that I bring to my teaching is the Ace of Swords. This makes sense to me because I see what needs to be done and I do it. I know my subject very well and have the mental clarity it takes to put a unit together. At this point in my career, I have found the strategies that work well and I implement them to the best of my ability. And I must be doing something right since my standardized tests results are in the top 5 in the state and my personal percentages jumped 10 points in just one year! So I really need to stop selling myself short and remember that I am very good at seeing what skills my students need to improve and implement ways of helping them achieve success. I am very good at brainstorming new ideas and being innovative.

Wow, this spread has actually made me feel so much better. I highly recommend giving it a try. It is definitely important to reflect on what your strengths are and to not let yourself lose sight of them!

All my best,


Monday, February 24, 2014

Strength - Find It!

Some of you may or may not be aware, depending on how many of these posts you have read or how many videos you have watched on my channel, but besides the Magician, the Strength card is one of my favorite cards in the deck! I actually keep this card and the Magician card on my personal altar for empowerment. This serves as a visual reminder for the attributes that I am trying to embody in my personal and professional life. It is like a physical vision board and I like to sit and meditate in front of it when I need to feel centered or guided.

The Strength card is just a beautiful image to behold. Depending on which character you are looking at - the maiden or the lion - you will have a different message about what kind of strength is needed for a situation.

When I look at the lion, I see a need for courage, tenacity, and a fierceness required to stand one's ground. This is not a gentle strength. This is the strength I think of when I hear Katy Perry's "Roar." This strength requires you to confront your problems and to be assertive when dealing with difficult people.

When I look at the maiden, I see a need for compassion, inner strength, and the ability to stay calm in the midst of a crisis. Let's say your lesson has gone off track and chaos ensues like the Friday before a vacation; you may want to snap, but instead you are able to keep your composure and dig deep to guide everyone back to the task at hand. That's the strength of the maiden that I'm talking about. This strength is gentle, nurturing, and often uses humor or another tactic as a way to diffuse a difficult situation. I always think of the saying "music soothes the savage beast" when I look at the maiden on the card.

But the Strength card also has another meaning. It requires you to stop and ask yourself, "what are my strengths?" In this case, your strengths are your special gifts and talents that you can use to help you when times get tough or use just to make your good days even better. Some people don't give themselves enough credit for their strengths or really even know what their strengths are. This is especially important to consider as a teacher. Sometimes you can get in a slump and question if you are in the right profession. You may feel like the biggest failure in the world. This is when you need Strength the most - this is when you need to get reflective and try to remember what your strengths are. You wouldn't have made it this far on your journey without them!

This week, try to stop and think about the situations you are facing at work and the kind of strength you need to deal with them. Also, make time to think about what your special strengths are that make you a wonderful teacher!

All my best,


Friday, February 21, 2014

"And It Was All Yellow"

Sometimes I like to just flip through my deck and let my mind wander. On this particular occasion, I noticed that many of the cards that I am most attracted to, both visually and symbolically, all have yellow backgrounds.

Take a look at some of my favorite cards:

The Fool

The Magician

The Empress



The Court Cards of the Pentacle Suit

The 4 of Wands

The 9 of Pentacles

The 9 of Cups

These are some of my absolute favorite cards in the deck and they all share that beautiful yellow background in common. So it got me thinking about the color yellow...

Yellow is a color of happiness. It reminds me of lemons, which is always a scent that boosts my mood and energizes me. It is also the color of the third chakra, the solar plexus, and this is the chakra associated with will power and courage (strength card anyone?).  This color is also associated with the sun and if you remember the sun card...well, that card just radiates positive energy.

I think I am so attracted to these cards because the color yellow is such a happy, positive color and joy and positivity are two of the things I want most to manifest in my life.

So take some time to spend with your deck today. Slowly make your way through the cards and pick out the ones that really resonate with you - the ones you feel completely drawn to. And once you have your pile, look at what they have in common. Is it a color? A number? A suit? Once you figure out that one thing they have in common, analyze that one thing and see how it applies to your life in some way.

I would love to hear how this exercise went for you. So please feel free to post in the comments section below!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Chariot Spread for Teachers

When I think of the Chariot card, two questions come to mind. And those are the two questions we are going to explore in this spread.

Where do I want to go? 5 of Cups
How do I get there? The Empress

I like this spread for any issue in life, not just for teaching. Sometimes we get stuck along the way and we just need a moment to stop and ask for directions. :)

It's funny because I can totally see how these cards relate to my life outside of teaching. I will still be analyzing these cards as they relate to my teaching career, but I will also apply these lessons to other areas in my life. Sometimes that will happen when you do a reading for yourself. You will ask the cards a question, but the answers you get will be for a burning question that you should be focusing on instead of the question you actually asked. So be open to the cards trying to open your eyes to other important issues going on in your life that you may be avoiding or may be unaware of.

So of course, looking at the 5 of cups a person might ask, "why the hell would anyone want to go there?" Understandable as you have this morose figure crying into his long dark cape over 3 tipped over chalices while ignoring the two standing chalices. And although this card does represent loss and disappointment, there are still lessons to be learned in this card. Lessons that I desperately need to learn at this point on my journey. 

I will be brutally honest right now. I have been having a hard time keeping up with this blog recently. Not because I don't enjoy doing it or because I am too busy or losing interest, but because things have not going as I would have liked them to at work lately. I am trying a new unit and I thought I was making things as exciting and straight forward as I possibly could. But for the life of me, I cannot get these 8th graders to read To Kill a Mockingbird. On top of that, we have been doing fishbowl discussions, which is an activity that has been very successful in previous years. It is not working well at all at the moment. The conversations they are having are shallow and boring. They are relying too much on my suggested prompts and not finding evidence in the text to support their points. They are being rude to each other as well as mocking the whole process. So it has been VERY hard for me to dig deep and find the love. This disillusioned feeling is carrying over into other areas of my life and I am starting to feel like, "Who really cares? Why does any of this matter anyway? Why bother?" So it was hard for me to write the Lovers post when I am not really feeling the love these days.

So this really connects me with the energy of the 5 of cups. I feel disillusioned and I am in a place of total self-pity. It's not a good place to be. So why would this card represent where I want to go, since that was really the question and not "Where am I now?" Look closely at the background. See that castle in the distance on the left that has a river flowing in front of it? Now see that bridge on the right? That's where I need to go!

This card is all about finding perspective. Do I want to stand there crying over things beyond my control (the 3 spilled cups)? Or do I want to acknowledge that there are still things to be grateful for and that nothing is really as bad as it may seem (the two standing cups)? Ultimately it is asking me what kind of person do I want to be? The kind of person who sees the cup as half full or as half empty?

So where do I want to be? In an emotional space full of gratitude and of understanding that even when things seem really crappy, there is always another way around it (the bridge). Things can't stay bad forever, it's just not how life works.

So how do I get to this better emotional space? Through the energy of the Empress, of course. I will have to reread my post on the Empress after this for some moral support and guidance. But basically, I need to tap into my creativity (even if it's hard right now) and I need to be nurturing to myself! I'm on vacation right now. It is time to do a little self-care and put myself back on the right path by nurturing and loving myself. I need to forgive myself for past failures and mother myself with encouragement. So this week I will focus on my own needs - I already scheduled a reiki/massage session for this weekend over a month ago, and a mani/pedi sure sounds good too! When I am in a better emotional space personally, it will help me tap into my creativity and help me readjust my unit so that it will help put my students back on the right path.

The major life lesson here? Things may not go according to plan. In fact, they may really turn out crappy. But creative solutions will help turn things right around as long as you maintain self-care and a positive perspective!

I hope this spread really helps you figure out where you want to go and how you can get there. As always, feel free to share if you are moved to do so.

All my best,


Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Chariot - You're in the Driver's Seat

So now that you have chosen love, it is time to get into the Chariot seat and steer yourself in the right direction as you pursue your goals. The keywords for the Chariot card are determination, will power, and control. In some ways this card is a combination of the Magician and the Emperor, requiring you to use your will power as well as focused determination to achieve set goals.

At this point in your journey, you have experienced a lot. You not only have learned about teaching through course work, but also through real life application. You have achieved so much already, but you still have much further to go. In order to achieve your next set of goals, you need to have confidence, will power, determination, and control of your emotions. It is time to sit in the driver's seat and use what you've learned to overcome any obstacles or "bumps in the road" that may get in your way and try to slow you down.

So how does this card apply to teaching?  

To me, this card represents moving on to the next level. Previously on the journey, it was all about establishing yourself in the role of teacher. You needed to learn the basics of how to create units and lessons, how to interact with students and colleagues, and how to apply what you learned in school into your real life classroom. Then you needed to decide if this is really what you want to do for your life's purpose. Upon deciding yes, it is now time to set new goals and move towards them.

The next level of goals may look like the following:
  • Working toward professional status
  • Becoming a team leader
  • Improving your students' standardized test scores
  • Planning a new elective to teach
  • Getting National Board Certified
No matter what your next set of goals are, you will only achieve them by finding your inner power source. You need to connect to your self confidence and self determination if you are going to be victorious. These next levels of goals are not for the meek and will require focus, discipline, and hard work. This is not a card for resting on your laurels. Instead, it is a card of conquest and moving towards victory.

If you look at the card closely, you will see that the charioteer is not leading the two sphinxes with a set of reigns. He is not prodding them or steering them with a physical object. Rather, he is holding a wand just like the Magician. So everything he is trying to manifest on this next stage of development needs to come from within. And it won't be an easy road, so you need to dig deep in order to overcome anything that tries to slow down your progress. The two sphinxes represent duality and making choices. It reminds me of Robert Frost's poem "The Road Less Traveled." Not only do you need to decide where you are going, but you also need to decide how you are going to get there. No one can map your course but you. Will you take the long, yet scenic route? Or will you try to take short cuts to get to your destination as quickly as possible? What are the pros and cons of the route you select? These are the questions you need to ask yourself before you set out on your latest adventure.

Assess where you are in your journey as a teacher. Figure out where you want to go next and how you want to get there. Please feel free to share in the comments section below.

All my best,


Oracle Reading for the week of February 17, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Lovers Spread for Teachers

The Lovers card invites us to figure out how to choose love. Love isn't just a state of being that we stay in until the going gets tough. It's the action we take to help sustain us through the tough times as well as to celebrate during the good times.

How can I manifest my own "Garden of Eden?" Strength
How can I choose love when times are tough? 8 of Wands

So the best way to manifest my own "Garden of Eden," a classroom that is warm, inviting, and place of joy and learning, is through strength. I know that the strength card has come up in one of the video readings before in terms of our relationship with our students. I feel in a lot of ways that the same message applies. The strength card represents both internal and external strength. One the one hand, you need to be assertive and make things happen, as depicted by the lion. On the other hand, you need to be gentle and compassionate and find alternative solutions to soothe the savage beast, as depicted by the maiden. The Strength card is also associated with the astrological sign of Leo whose planet association is the Sun. The element associated with this card is fire. Why are these things relevant? Because the Sun and fire radiant creative energy. If I am going to manifest the classroom of my dreams, I am going to have to get creative. I am going to have to assert my authority when necessary as well as to demonstrate compassion and gentleness at appropriate times. I need to be energetic and sunny, even when I don't feel like it. I have to dig deeper and find my inner strength. I have to act the way I want to feel. I need to visualize what my ideal classroom situation would feel like and then take appropriate steps to make that happen.

How can I choose love when times get tough? I need to tap into the energy of the 8 of wands. I can't allow my self to fall into stagnation. I need to keep moving and do whatever it takes to keep my energy up. This card is all about forward motion and keeping focused attention on whatever creative endeavor I want to achieve. I also feel this applies to making sure I take care of myself as a person. In order to retain high energy, I need to make sure I am getting my basic needs met - eating healthy meals throughout the day, keeping up with my exercise, spending time outside in nature, and having fun! If things are not going well outside of the classroom that negative, stagnate energy will spill over into the classroom. So I get a sense that this card is sending a message to just keep my eye on the prize and just keep moving, even when times get tough. I shouldn't just fall into negative thinking and start getting stuck. I need to push forward and just keep moving!

So on that note, I will go have a healthy snack and make sure I get to my kickboxing class tonight. I hope you try this spread whether you are feeling the love or not. Feel free to share about what you need to do to create your own "Garden of Eden."

All my best,


Monday, February 10, 2014

The Lovers Card and How it Applies to Education

I was very apprehensive when it came to writing this post. I wasn't sure how to address this card since most people automatically relate this card to romantic love.

I have to admit, I thought it was pretty cool that this is the card we are talking about during the week of Valentine's Day.

So I'm sure many of you are wondering how the Lovers card applies to education. Well, let's first take a look at the imagery of the card. What should stand out is the biblical story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Taking Adam and Eve out of the equation for a minute and you are left with an idyllic place of beauty. Think back for a moment to the Fool. Remember how excited and passionate you were to start teaching, but this was before you REALLY knew what teaching would really be like? Well, now we come to a place on our journey where we have to choose love. Love is a choice and an action, not simply an emotion. At this point on the journey you have taken a leap of faith, learned the course work and gathered your materials, got creative, figured out class room management, and collaborated with how do you feel now? Are you enjoying it? Hating it? Feeling overwhelmed by it? To me, this is the card that asks the questions "do you really love what you do? And if not, how can you change that?"

I think this is an important card for teachers, especially when the honeymoon period ends. This is a tough job and even if it's your life's purpose, you don't always love it. Sometimes you can really hate it. I'm actually in that space right now. We just started reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Well, they were supposed to be reading it. The first quiz revealed that pretty much no one was reading it. And these were just questions to hold them accountable for reading, because if you don't hold 8th graders accountable - they will do absolutely nothing. I was appalled that they couldn't even tell me who the protagonist was or what the setting was. Needless to say, I was pissed. And they are pissed at me because they have to bring those quizzes home and return them signed back to me. So no, you aren't always going to love teaching - in fact, you won't always even like it.

So what can you do about this? The Lovers card is all about choice and making a decision. Sure, you could choose to quit. Many teachers don't last five years before throwing in the towel. But if you decide to stay, you need to choose love and harmony. You need to figure out how you are going to manifest that in your classroom. This isn't always easy to figure out, especially when you are tired, overwhelmed, and stressed. But it is important for you to make the time to sit down and visualize your classroom as your own personal Garden of Eden. And I'm not talking about having it be pretty or full of amazing gizmos, although you can certainly visualize that. I really mean visualize what your relationship with your students would look like. What would the learning look like? How would it feel in that classroom? Once you figure out how you want it to look and feel, then you need to plan action steps for creating that beautiful and harmonious classroom. Don't expect instant results! This may take a while for you to find your groove. Hell, it could take years. But if you choose love - the work and the wait will be worth it.

All my best,


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Weekly Reading for February 10- February 14

I apologize for not posting a video this week. I have a really bad cold and I am hacking all over the place and my sinuses are completely stuffed up, so you probably wouldn't be able to hear me too well. So I'll just type up the reading for this week:

Your relationship with yourself: The King of Cups
Your relationship with your students: The Moon
Your relationships with administrators and colleagues: The Fool

I believe we had the King of Cups in this position last week. I swear I shuffle the hell out of these cards. So obviously he still has an important message for us this week. I still think he is a reminder to remain in control of our emotions and to demonstrate restraint and maturity even amidst chaos. What stands out to me in this card is the fact that his throne is is firmly planted on a wavy sea. He isn't moving with the sea and getting caught up in the waves. Instead, he is firmly seated in his seat of stone. This doesn't mean you are cold or not acknowledging your emotions, but it means you aren't letting your emotions rule you. The fish on the chain around his neck reminds me of Pisces, the astrological sign depicted by a fish. This sign is known to be very intuitive and emotional. So my suggestion is that you acknowledge your emotions and listen to your intuition. It won't steer you wrong!

The moon is also associated with the sign of Pisces. And as we are approaching the full moon on Valentine's day, it makes sense to me that these two watery cards are popping up. The full moon is a great time for tapping into our intuition and following closely to our internal guiding system. This is important as it relates to our students. The Moon card represents intuition, our dreams, and our unconscious. This week you may be feeling a lot of anxiety regarding your relationships with your students. The full moon can bring out a wild, emotional side in all of us. And if you teacher older kids, they are probably thinking more about their valentines than they are about their course work. You must prepare yourself and use the King of Cups to help you navigate through this week. Nothing is as bleak as it seems. Just use your intuition to guide you as you deal with children who may seem more like wild animals to you this week.

With Mercury in Retrograde this week, I get a sense that the Fool is suggesting that you don't make any big changes at this time. Don't jump into a new project without knowing all of the facts. It is easy to get caught up in excitement and passion for a new project or goal, but with all of the watery elements in this rest of this reading, I suggest that you do a lot of prep work instead of just jumping right off the cliff. So use this time to share new ideas with colleagues and administrators and spend some time brainstorming and getting excited, but take baby steps instead of blindly starting on any new ventures.

All my best,


Friday, February 7, 2014

What It Means When Certain Cards Appear (or Don't Appear) in a Reading

So I had considered doing a video on this topic, but I think it would be best if I just wrote about it instead. I am not the most eloquent speaker on camera. It actually makes me very nervous when I talk to the camera for some weird reason and I find myself saying "um" and "like" a lot. So because I think this is an important topic, I would rather explain it as clearly as I can and I think this is the best medium for that.

I've done some research and there is a huge debate about the significance of Major vs Minor Arcana cards in a reading. For example, some people think the Majors represent fate while the Minors reflect our free will. I am just going to present you with my own opinion on this.

What does it mean when you receive a lot of Major Arcana cards in a reading?

To me, when you end up with a lot of Majors in a reading the Universe is trying to send you a big message. The Majors represent big concepts and lessons that you should be thinking about or learning. They are usually tied to big events in your life like new jobs, marriage, birth, death, crisis, etc. They are also usually significant when it comes to your life's purpose. So that fact that I often end up with so many Majors in the readings on this blog makes sense to me because I am asking big questions related to my life's purpose - teaching!

What does it mean when you receive only Minor Arcana cards in a reading? 

The Minors deal with the more day to day living that we do. So instead of "big picture" and major themes in our lives, they represent our daily events and energies.  They can have the same lessons as the Majors, but on a smaller scale. If I have to use the analogy of a novel, I would say Major represent the archetypes and themes running through the entire novel, while the Minors represent the individual scenes that make up the plot. This is why it VERY RARE that I ever draw a Major Arcana card in my daily draws for myself. Especially now when I am in a pretty good flow and am just caught up in my day to day living at the moment.

What does it mean when the same card(s) appear again and again in your readings?

Short and simple, this is the message the Universe is trying to slap you in the face with. It has some major significance to something in your life in an internal or external way. The fact that I draw the Magician so many times in the readings for myself on this blog suggests to me that he is a major archetype that I want to embody and that he has many lessons for me to learn on my path as a teacher at this time. I suggest if you are seeing the same card over and over again that you do some meditating with that card and some journaling. See if you can uncover over time the significant theme or lesson that that card has for you at a particular time in your life.

All my best,


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Hierophant Spread for Teachers

 So I thought in the spirit of The Hierophant we could dig a little deeper and uncover some important truths about our practice. Hopefully after doing this spread, you will have a good idea of who you could approach to help you on your path as a teacher as well as a good idea of what area you could be of use to others. I would really love to see more give and take in the teaching profession.

What I could stand to learn from other teachers? The Magician
What other teachers could learn from me? The Nine of Cups

So once again the Magician pops up in a spread. This really is a reminder to me that I need to make time to do my video on what it means when the same cards appear in your readings over and over as well as what it means when you receive a lot of Major Arcana cards versus Minor Arcana cards in a reading. 

As I've talked about in previous posts, the Magician is who I strive to be in the classroom as well as in my regular every day life. He is skilled in the art of manifestation. He has the will, desire, and the resources to accomplish his goals. And although I have those things, there is still something he has that I am lacking - the ability to turn the knowledge he has into magic.

In all honesty, I became a teacher because I LOVED being a student. I absolutely loved learning new things. Reading literature and writing analytical papers were things that came naturally to me and I enjoyed doing them. So I figured becoming a teacher would be a logical next step. I didn't understand how different it would be to sit on the other side of the desk. Just because I was good at being a student, didn't mean that would translate to becoming a good teacher. I find it very hard to teach the things that come naturally to me to people that it doesn't come naturally to. I find it difficult to deal with student apathy when I wasn't an apathetic student. But more importantly, and this is where the energy of the Magician comes in, I don't know how to take my knowledge and turn it into fun and exciting lessons.

Part of the problem is that I am an auditory learner, so I really thrived on listening to lectures. I could sit in a class and just listen without taking notes and remember everything for a test. I was taught via lecture and memorization. But education is different today. Teachers aren't allowed to lecture anymore. They need to make the classroom "student-centered" and engage them in active learning and in higher order thinking. I can understand that, but it is a really challenge for me to come up with those kinds of lessons on my own.

So what I need is to find a teacher whose teaching style I admire and to find a way to learn from them. Maybe that person would let me sit in on some of their classes and take notes. Or maybe they would share some lesson plans with me. Or maybe we could meet once a week to share best practices. But either way, I need to find a Magician at my school and learn from that person.

Now as for what other teachers could learn from me, I feel the nine of cups is totally appropriate. It has taken me nine years of teaching, but I have finally learned how to reach a work-life balance and I couldn't be more satisfied. The nine of cups is all about satisfaction and fulfillment on all levels. I feel sorry when I see how stressed my coworkers are. I've been there and I know their struggle. But I have finally mastered my stress to a large degree. This is what I would share with a stressed out colleague:

#1 Don't take it personally when the kids are being...well, kids! It can be annoying and feel personal. But I've really come to accept that kids will be kids and that aren't not doing their homework or class work just to hurt you. They aren't even thinking of you! They are thinking of their crushes, their activities, their friends. You know, all the things we used to focus on when we were kids!

#2 You can't please everybody. There is a lot of pressure to feel like a "perfect teacher." You want to make perfect lessons, get work graded and turned back quickly, have the kids and parents like you, have administration think you're awesome or at least have them off your back, etc. But you know what? Someone is always going to be negative. It comes with the territory. As long as you know in your heart you are giving it your best, feel good about that.

#4 Don't take work home with you. I'm serious! Now that I have two kids under the age of three, and a husband, and a desire to have a life outside of teaching (a life I am entitled to and one that you are entitled to as well), taking work home is simply not an option. This doesn't mean I slack off and become a crappy teacher. Actually, I am more productive than ever because when I am at work I am 100% focused on my work and use every second of my time to the fullest. I don't take breaks, I don't take walks and get to chatting on my free period. I know time is of the essence and I make every second count.

#5 Learn to say no. Sometimes we feel pressured to put more on our plate than we can handle. We feel it would make us look good in the eyes of someone else to run a club, join a committee, participate in a fundraiser, etc. etc. And I did those things when I was single and had more free time and energy. But now that I have a family who also needs my attention, I don't feel bad about saying no when asked to do things that would take time away from my sons.

#6 Learn to ask for help. If you are starting a new unit or teaching a new grade level, don't feel you need to reinvent the wheel. The Hierophant is the reminder to get a mentor and try someone's tried and true methods. So find someone you trust, ask for help and maybe you can even return the favor in some way.

#7 Have an active life outside of teaching. It can't be all about duties all the time. I would be miserable if all I did was teach, raise kids, cook, and clean. We need things that also feed our souls. I do kickboxing 3-4 times a week, I create mixed media art on Saturday and Sunday mornings, I write this blog, and I participate in social media groups. I usually do kundalini yoga once a week as well. A lot of people ask: where do you find the energy??? It doesn't take a lot of energy to do what you love! I don't mind getting up at 5:00am on Saturdays to make art because I enjoy it. I actually feel I have more energy because I make time for my other interests.

#8 Make self care a priority. Many of you are also spouses and/or parents. It can be hard to put yourself first, especially when you are a teacher. But you need to make sure you get enough rest, eat healthy, make time for exercise, and give yourself some down time to veg out with a little meditation or a tv show or a good book! You deserve it and your family will thank you for it!

#8 Exercise gratitude. I have made it a daily practice to express gratitude. I write down at least three things I am grateful for every day. It really helps to put things in perspective when things aren't going well and it helps to give me an extra boost of love when things are going well. You will really see a big difference when you take joy in the small things in life.

#9 Be friendly and smile at others. When I was in a bad place in my life I was very unfriendly, complained a lot, didn't make eye contact with others, didn't say good morning. I just had a dark cloud hanging over my head. But I read in Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project that you should "act how you want to feel." So when I act more happy, friendly, and outgoing, I FEEL those things.

#10 Find what works for you. Everybody can give you advice, but only you know what will truly make you happy. For me, having a work-life balance that includes time for my passions as well as my spirituality is what makes me happy. Maybe for you it is coaching a team or taking a cooking class or whatever. Also figure out how you can improve your situation at work. Can you find a system that will help you be more organized or will help you with time management?  Find what works and stick with it until it becomes a habit!

So I hope you found this post helpful. I would love to know what areas in teaching that you could be a mentor or could use a mentor. Please feel free to share.

All my best,


Monday, February 3, 2014

The Hierophant - Learning and Sharing with Other Teachers

There are quite a few cards in the tarot deck that are about forging your own path, like the Fool for example. The Hierophant, however, isn't one of them! This card is actually about institutions, traditions, beliefs, and tried and true methods. The Pope symbol in the card is a reminder of religious institutions, but the overall meaning has to do with tried and true methods that have been working for society for a long time. Many people find this card incredibly boring or very hard to connect with, but as a teacher, I think the message of the Hierophant is pretty awesome and something that we should listen to much more often.

One would think that the spirit of collaboration and unity would be alive and well in the teaching community, and maybe it is in some schools, but I'm not really feeling that spirit currently in the school where I teach. Morale is at an all-time low and besides working with my team twice a week, teaching feels extremely solitary to me at the moment. I'm not sure if it is because we are forced to work in interdisciplinary teams or because our department meetings are mostly spent working on preparing for accreditation, but there isn't a real willingness to openly collaborate at this time as far as I can see. Most teachers are so busy with their own classes, their own evaluations, and their own personal lives, that before they know it, it's 2:00pm and they haven't said more than "hi" to another adult in 7 hours. Or time is spent in line at the copy machine listening to some teachers vent and rant about one problem or another. As a result, most teachers are just doing the best they can with what they have to work with.

This is unfortunate and completely out of alignment with the energy of the Hierophant card. This card is all about using tried and true methods to achieve success rather than reinventing the wheel. Imagine how much time and energy teachers could save if they would just sit down for an hour or two and share information! It would be so invigorating to hear what is working well in terms of best practices from my colleagues. I am always looking for new and exciting lessons and activities, since creativity isn't always my strong suit. And I would be more than willing to share my resources as well since research is my strong suit. But there just never seems to be enough time or enough energy or enough harmony to get to any of that.

The Hierophant card is especially important for new teachers. If you haven't been assigned a mentor teacher, you should really seek one out in your building and ask if they would be willing to take you under their wing. It is invaluable to watch and learn from a veteran in the field. This way you can avoid burn out from feeling like you have to tackle everything on your own. If you are a veteran teacher, you really owe it to yourself to either mentor a new teacher or try to start a collaborative group. Even if you feel you are too busy or too burned out to help out, I think you will find that you will gain more than you will give by contributing in this way. A) it can help you renew your spirit and passion for teaching and B) it's just good karma to pay it forward to someone else, whether a new teacher or someone who is struggling.

I think teachers would be much happier if they were coming together as a community rather than coming into work as solitary educators. Think of how much time and effort you spend researching new lessons and new information or taking courses. You could save a ton of time by just asking someone in your building to share their lessons with you. Remember the old saying, two heads are better than one!

So in the spirit of the Hierophant, I will leave you with these two questions to ponder: What area of teaching could you use a mentor and what area of teaching could you be a mentor?

Oh, and think on this as well - we are teaching 21st century learning skills, expecting students to work collaboratively as they prepare for the real world. Shouldn't we be practicing what we preach?

All my best,
