Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Chariot - You're in the Driver's Seat

So now that you have chosen love, it is time to get into the Chariot seat and steer yourself in the right direction as you pursue your goals. The keywords for the Chariot card are determination, will power, and control. In some ways this card is a combination of the Magician and the Emperor, requiring you to use your will power as well as focused determination to achieve set goals.

At this point in your journey, you have experienced a lot. You not only have learned about teaching through course work, but also through real life application. You have achieved so much already, but you still have much further to go. In order to achieve your next set of goals, you need to have confidence, will power, determination, and control of your emotions. It is time to sit in the driver's seat and use what you've learned to overcome any obstacles or "bumps in the road" that may get in your way and try to slow you down.

So how does this card apply to teaching?  

To me, this card represents moving on to the next level. Previously on the journey, it was all about establishing yourself in the role of teacher. You needed to learn the basics of how to create units and lessons, how to interact with students and colleagues, and how to apply what you learned in school into your real life classroom. Then you needed to decide if this is really what you want to do for your life's purpose. Upon deciding yes, it is now time to set new goals and move towards them.

The next level of goals may look like the following:
  • Working toward professional status
  • Becoming a team leader
  • Improving your students' standardized test scores
  • Planning a new elective to teach
  • Getting National Board Certified
No matter what your next set of goals are, you will only achieve them by finding your inner power source. You need to connect to your self confidence and self determination if you are going to be victorious. These next levels of goals are not for the meek and will require focus, discipline, and hard work. This is not a card for resting on your laurels. Instead, it is a card of conquest and moving towards victory.

If you look at the card closely, you will see that the charioteer is not leading the two sphinxes with a set of reigns. He is not prodding them or steering them with a physical object. Rather, he is holding a wand just like the Magician. So everything he is trying to manifest on this next stage of development needs to come from within. And it won't be an easy road, so you need to dig deep in order to overcome anything that tries to slow down your progress. The two sphinxes represent duality and making choices. It reminds me of Robert Frost's poem "The Road Less Traveled." Not only do you need to decide where you are going, but you also need to decide how you are going to get there. No one can map your course but you. Will you take the long, yet scenic route? Or will you try to take short cuts to get to your destination as quickly as possible? What are the pros and cons of the route you select? These are the questions you need to ask yourself before you set out on your latest adventure.

Assess where you are in your journey as a teacher. Figure out where you want to go next and how you want to get there. Please feel free to share in the comments section below.

All my best,


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