Sunday, February 9, 2014

Weekly Reading for February 10- February 14

I apologize for not posting a video this week. I have a really bad cold and I am hacking all over the place and my sinuses are completely stuffed up, so you probably wouldn't be able to hear me too well. So I'll just type up the reading for this week:

Your relationship with yourself: The King of Cups
Your relationship with your students: The Moon
Your relationships with administrators and colleagues: The Fool

I believe we had the King of Cups in this position last week. I swear I shuffle the hell out of these cards. So obviously he still has an important message for us this week. I still think he is a reminder to remain in control of our emotions and to demonstrate restraint and maturity even amidst chaos. What stands out to me in this card is the fact that his throne is is firmly planted on a wavy sea. He isn't moving with the sea and getting caught up in the waves. Instead, he is firmly seated in his seat of stone. This doesn't mean you are cold or not acknowledging your emotions, but it means you aren't letting your emotions rule you. The fish on the chain around his neck reminds me of Pisces, the astrological sign depicted by a fish. This sign is known to be very intuitive and emotional. So my suggestion is that you acknowledge your emotions and listen to your intuition. It won't steer you wrong!

The moon is also associated with the sign of Pisces. And as we are approaching the full moon on Valentine's day, it makes sense to me that these two watery cards are popping up. The full moon is a great time for tapping into our intuition and following closely to our internal guiding system. This is important as it relates to our students. The Moon card represents intuition, our dreams, and our unconscious. This week you may be feeling a lot of anxiety regarding your relationships with your students. The full moon can bring out a wild, emotional side in all of us. And if you teacher older kids, they are probably thinking more about their valentines than they are about their course work. You must prepare yourself and use the King of Cups to help you navigate through this week. Nothing is as bleak as it seems. Just use your intuition to guide you as you deal with children who may seem more like wild animals to you this week.

With Mercury in Retrograde this week, I get a sense that the Fool is suggesting that you don't make any big changes at this time. Don't jump into a new project without knowing all of the facts. It is easy to get caught up in excitement and passion for a new project or goal, but with all of the watery elements in this rest of this reading, I suggest that you do a lot of prep work instead of just jumping right off the cliff. So use this time to share new ideas with colleagues and administrators and spend some time brainstorming and getting excited, but take baby steps instead of blindly starting on any new ventures.

All my best,


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