Friday, February 7, 2014

What It Means When Certain Cards Appear (or Don't Appear) in a Reading

So I had considered doing a video on this topic, but I think it would be best if I just wrote about it instead. I am not the most eloquent speaker on camera. It actually makes me very nervous when I talk to the camera for some weird reason and I find myself saying "um" and "like" a lot. So because I think this is an important topic, I would rather explain it as clearly as I can and I think this is the best medium for that.

I've done some research and there is a huge debate about the significance of Major vs Minor Arcana cards in a reading. For example, some people think the Majors represent fate while the Minors reflect our free will. I am just going to present you with my own opinion on this.

What does it mean when you receive a lot of Major Arcana cards in a reading?

To me, when you end up with a lot of Majors in a reading the Universe is trying to send you a big message. The Majors represent big concepts and lessons that you should be thinking about or learning. They are usually tied to big events in your life like new jobs, marriage, birth, death, crisis, etc. They are also usually significant when it comes to your life's purpose. So that fact that I often end up with so many Majors in the readings on this blog makes sense to me because I am asking big questions related to my life's purpose - teaching!

What does it mean when you receive only Minor Arcana cards in a reading? 

The Minors deal with the more day to day living that we do. So instead of "big picture" and major themes in our lives, they represent our daily events and energies.  They can have the same lessons as the Majors, but on a smaller scale. If I have to use the analogy of a novel, I would say Major represent the archetypes and themes running through the entire novel, while the Minors represent the individual scenes that make up the plot. This is why it VERY RARE that I ever draw a Major Arcana card in my daily draws for myself. Especially now when I am in a pretty good flow and am just caught up in my day to day living at the moment.

What does it mean when the same card(s) appear again and again in your readings?

Short and simple, this is the message the Universe is trying to slap you in the face with. It has some major significance to something in your life in an internal or external way. The fact that I draw the Magician so many times in the readings for myself on this blog suggests to me that he is a major archetype that I want to embody and that he has many lessons for me to learn on my path as a teacher at this time. I suggest if you are seeing the same card over and over again that you do some meditating with that card and some journaling. See if you can uncover over time the significant theme or lesson that that card has for you at a particular time in your life.

All my best,


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