Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Lovers Spread for Teachers

The Lovers card invites us to figure out how to choose love. Love isn't just a state of being that we stay in until the going gets tough. It's the action we take to help sustain us through the tough times as well as to celebrate during the good times.

How can I manifest my own "Garden of Eden?" Strength
How can I choose love when times are tough? 8 of Wands

So the best way to manifest my own "Garden of Eden," a classroom that is warm, inviting, and place of joy and learning, is through strength. I know that the strength card has come up in one of the video readings before in terms of our relationship with our students. I feel in a lot of ways that the same message applies. The strength card represents both internal and external strength. One the one hand, you need to be assertive and make things happen, as depicted by the lion. On the other hand, you need to be gentle and compassionate and find alternative solutions to soothe the savage beast, as depicted by the maiden. The Strength card is also associated with the astrological sign of Leo whose planet association is the Sun. The element associated with this card is fire. Why are these things relevant? Because the Sun and fire radiant creative energy. If I am going to manifest the classroom of my dreams, I am going to have to get creative. I am going to have to assert my authority when necessary as well as to demonstrate compassion and gentleness at appropriate times. I need to be energetic and sunny, even when I don't feel like it. I have to dig deeper and find my inner strength. I have to act the way I want to feel. I need to visualize what my ideal classroom situation would feel like and then take appropriate steps to make that happen.

How can I choose love when times get tough? I need to tap into the energy of the 8 of wands. I can't allow my self to fall into stagnation. I need to keep moving and do whatever it takes to keep my energy up. This card is all about forward motion and keeping focused attention on whatever creative endeavor I want to achieve. I also feel this applies to making sure I take care of myself as a person. In order to retain high energy, I need to make sure I am getting my basic needs met - eating healthy meals throughout the day, keeping up with my exercise, spending time outside in nature, and having fun! If things are not going well outside of the classroom that negative, stagnate energy will spill over into the classroom. So I get a sense that this card is sending a message to just keep my eye on the prize and just keep moving, even when times get tough. I shouldn't just fall into negative thinking and start getting stuck. I need to push forward and just keep moving!

So on that note, I will go have a healthy snack and make sure I get to my kickboxing class tonight. I hope you try this spread whether you are feeling the love or not. Feel free to share about what you need to do to create your own "Garden of Eden."

All my best,


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